Sunday, July 17, 2011

This One is For Katherine and Diane

I would be lying if there wasn't a ton to update you all on these days. I never feel like I have anything to write about but thinking back over the last few months we have done a ton, our lives have changed and will continue to do so as time goes on. There are several things, and so I'm going to post them separately. However, this post is dedicated to Katherine and Diane, two of the best friends a girl can have.

Katherine, Diane and I met in High School. To this day it's hard to say what brought us all together, but some how we all wound up in Katherine's bedroom making the infamous "contention scarves" for our friends for Christmas one year and the three of us just "clicked". From sleepovers featuring midnight light shows, and frizbee at 5:00 am, or sleeping on the trampoline, to late nights at any park just chatting away, to flying kites out of car windows-these are the things that highlighted our high school days. As time has gone on we have been through a lot together, a lot of fun, and a few tough times that life is bound to have. No matter what life has thrown my way these are the girls I knew I could always turn too. We have all grown up now and started to go down our own paths, and though we don't see each other everyday like we used to, every time we gather (especially at our meeting place The Chocolate) it's like no time has passed. Everyone should have friends like these!

Yesterday, I said goodbye to both of these girls. Diane is leaving this coming Wednesday to serve a year and a half long LDS Mission in Chile. Knowing Di she is going to be one of the best Sister's that Chile has ever seen! I am very proud of her, and hope that she loves every second she will be out there. Katherine and her husband, Matt, are moving on to their next big life adventure-GRAD SCHOOL! Grad school will be taking them to St. Louis, Missouri. I am very excited for them, and wish them the very best. Matt has always excelled in school and is bound to rock the program out there. And Katherine has a lot of opportunities out there for her! She has some job interviews already set up that I am sure she will nail and once she gets settled, she'll be so busy with her new life and friends that I'm sure I'm going to be the one nagging her to update her blog more often!

It's a bittersweet thing, this growing up business. While I will miss these girls a ton and was sad to say goodbye, I am very excited and happy for both of them and what their lives will bring. They both mean a lot to me and I love them as if they were my sisters. Though we'll be states and countries away, I want these girls to know that I will always be here for them, no matter what. And I will always be grateful for their influence in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I might have cried a bit during this post! You and Diane have been great friends to me and I'm so grateful that you've been a part of my life! Never lose touch, OK?
